How do I start a NetQuizz Trivia show?

The primary step to embarking on your NetQuizz journey is to book your first show.

To commence a show, simply log in to your NetQuizz account using a laptop or desktop computer for a smoother experience.

In order to book a show, it is imperative to have an active account. At NetQuizz, we perform a manual review of all new accounts to ensure compliance with licensing regulations. This review process usually takes 1-2 hours. During this period, scheduling a show will not be possible.

Once your account is approved, we highly recommend watching all the training videos located at the top of the library. These videos will outline the necessary steps for booking a show. You can also view a more detailed step-by-step guide to booking a show by clicking this link through to our blog post.

Here are the basic steps to starting a Show:

  1. Log In to NetQuizz at using a laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Choose a show from our library, and click the “Book / Info” button.
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and select a date and time you want to stream the show.
  4. Enter the prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
  5. Confirm the booking
  6. Print out the Show Information Guide, and enough answer sheets for each team.

You’re all set now until show time.

On the day of your schedule trivia event;

  1. Log into Netquizz using a laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Go to “Manage Shows” at the top of the screen.
  3. Click into the Show, and press the “Start” button.
  4. Tick the boxes to confirm you’re ready.
  5. Log into the Netquizz App on a mobile device.
  6. Enter the code from the App when prompted to sync the stream.
  7. Connect the laptop to your in house TV(s) and audio system.
  8. Press play on the App.

Your show should now commence. We recommend watching the training videos before starting a show, to know all your responsibilities, and to make your trivia night a success.

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