NetQuizz Trivia shows are designed to keep the team scores close. Sometimes this leads to a tie break situation where prize-winning teams have the same score. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to handle a tie break:
- After Round 6, when you submit the scores, the NetQuizz app will notify you if there’s a tie break situation that needs resolving.
- An announcement will automatically play on the screen, identifying the tied teams and providing instructions for both you and the participating teams.
- One player from each tied team will be requested to identify themselves to you. Find a neutral position where you can all be seen and heard clearly.
- The NetQuizz app will provide you with a random multiple-choice question. Read it out loud to the team members involved. They’ll have three options: A, B, or C.
- The first person to shout out their team name will get the first chance to answer. If they answer it incorrectly, the next team member who shouted their team name will have the next chance to answer from the remaining options. If both teams answer incorrectly, the app will prompt you to ask another question.
- In the app, select the team that answered the question correctly. The app will guide you to the next instruction or question, if needed.
- Once all tie breaks are settled, the app will prompt you to “Publish Scores to Screen.” The results will be displayed on-screen, and the video will recommence. We’ll announce the prize winning teams on-screen for all to see.
- Congratulate the winning teams and proudly hand out their well-deserved prizes.
Great job! Handling tie breaks adds an extra level of excitement to the trivia experience. Get ready to break those ties and celebrate the champions!