If you’re having trouble when you attempt to watch a NetQuizz show (like you’re seeing a black screen or a loading image, getting the “video unavailable” message), please follow these troubleshooting tips.
If you stream on a desktop, our preferred method, please be sure to select either: Check your browser, Disable ad blocker, or Turn off tracking protection, for info specific to your platform.
1. Check your browser:
- Ensure your browsers are up to date by checking whatsmybrowser.com and following any instructions for updating to the latest version, if listed.
- Make sure your browsers are supported to stream NetQuizz. Learn more about our preferred web browsers.
- Clear your browser’s cache, cookies and browsing history. Click here for help to clear you cache.
- Refresh your browser window by clicking the “reload” icon next to your web address bar.
- Close your browser and open a new browser window.
- Try a different browser (like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge).
2. Disable ad blockers:
3. Turn off tracking protection (Firefox users only):
If you’re using Firefox as your browser and the tracking protection feature is enabled, this may cause streaming issues.
- Click the hamburger (3 vertical lines) in the top right corner of the screen. A pop-up menu displays.
- Click “Preferences”to open this page, then select “Privacy” from the left-panel menu.
- On the “Privacy and Security” page, unselect “Standard” and select “Strict.”
4. Check your internet connection:
You should also make sure you’re streaming with a high speed connection of 4 MBPS or more — that’s the minimum streaming requirement to watch Netquizz. You can perform a speed test here, and if your speed is too low, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to discuss options to increase it.For internet speed related issues, try rebooting your router with these steps:
- Unplug the power cord. Note: If you have a separate modem, be sure to unplug the power to the modem first.
- Wait approximately 10 seconds, and plug it back in (plug the modem back in before the router, if applicable).
- When your router has completely re-powered (usually after a few minutes), try streaming again.